The experience is better with sound on and headphones.


To celebrate 8 years of promoting artistic innovation and digital creation, the 9th edition of the mirage festival goes beyond reality to offer a full digital experience of the past exposition.

Mirage Festival

9th Edition - Sound & Light


Circular Frontier

Encor Studio

Cenotaph Zero

Thomas Garnier

Wraping Halo

Children of the Light

Circular Frontier

By Thomas Garnier

Circular Frontier questions us on our notions of frontiers and interpretation of reality. First rigorously geometric, the bright object reflected on water slowly evolve and become more and more organic transforming his message. Shapes becomes waves, lights evolves into vibrations.

Cenotaph Zero

By Encor Studio

Cénotaph Zero showcase a concrete landscape builds and un-builds inspired by construction suspended between work in progress and complete ruin, a liminal state of in-between.

Warping Halo

By Childrenof the Light

Combining light, colour, sound and elemental geometric forms, Warping Halo create a profound transcendental experience inspired the natural phenomenon of the refraction through ice crystals in the atmosphere.